2019 DHSA Shark Tank
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
1:00 – 4:30 pm
The Audion, STAR Campus, University of Delaware
Three research teams were chosen to have the chance to pitch their population health research proposal to a panel of DHSA representatives. The panel scored the proposals, and the highest scoring proposal received a check for $50,000 to fund their research!
- HENN (Help Near & Now): A Smartphone App to Find Help for Substance Use Disorders
- Community Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality Monitoring to Improve Asthma and Address Environmental Health Disparities in Wilmington
- A Home Delivery Meal (HDM) Program to At-Risk Adults During the 30-Day Post-Hospital Discharge Period
Proposals were scored on the following:
- Overall research plan
- Innovative aspect of the population health-based proposal
- Sustainability of the project
- How the project will be impactful to the Delaware community
Community Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality Monitoring to Improve Asthma and Address Environmental Health Disparities in Wilmington

L to R: Dr. Kate Smith and Dr. Omar Khan (DHSA) with the winners Jonathan Li and Russell Zerbo.

A big thank you to all of our sharks and presenters for making this a great event!
Back Row (L to R): Dr. Kate Smith (DHSA), Dr. Ron Kander (Jefferson University), Tim Gibbs (Delaware Academy of Medicine), Rita Landgraf (University of Delaware), Dr. Nicholas Petrelli (Christiana Care), Dr. Vicky Funanage (Nemours), Dr. STeven STanhope (University of Delaware), Dr. Omar Khan (DHSA).
Front Row: HeNN team, Clean Air Team, HDM Team