Join us for an evening of mocktails and information!

Students at Delaware State University, Delaware Technical Community College, and the University of Delaware, who are pre-med or pre-dental, are invited to join us for this event.  You will learn more about pathways and programs that are designed to support Delaware students in their journey to becoming a physician or dentist.  Opportunities to network with leadership from organizations across the state, practicing physicians, and much more will be available.

Date: April 2, 2025 
Time: 5:30-7:30 
Location: Audion at the tower at STAR campus 100 Discovery Blvd, Newark, DE                      

Click here to register!

Dress to impress! Business casual attire is required. This includes slacks, dress pants, button down shirts, blouses, etc.  Blazers and sports coats are optional.

Round trip shuttle service from Dover will be provided to those who register in advance. Space is limited. Please reserve your seat when you register.  Shuttle will leave Dover at approximately 4:30.

Tips for Success

  1. Think about your goals for the event and what you want to learn or accomplish.
  2. Prepare a short and personal introduction about yourself and practice in the mirror.
  3. When engaging with others show genuine interest and listen carefully to what they have to say.
  4. Prepare some conversation starters and ask open ended questions. Here are some ideas.
  5. Research the groups who are attending so you know what they do and how they might support you.

The following organizations are scheduled to attend:

Beebe Healthcare                                                                                                                        ChristianaCare

ChristianaCare iReach                                                                                                              Delaware Academy of Medicine/Delaware Public Health Association

Delaware Health Sciences Alliance                                                                                   Delaware Institute for Dental Education and Research (DIDER) 

Delaware Institute for Medical Education and Research (DIMER) 

Delaware Division of Public Health                                                                                  Nemours Children’s Health

National Medical Association                                                                                             Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine

Saint Francis Hospital                                                                                                              Sidney Kimmel Medical College